Tuesday, February 23, 2010

wonderful feet!

One of my daughters has significant special needs. Her biggest challenge is communication. With words like bus, horsie, ball and woof-woof, it is difficult for her to tell us if something is wrong. Sometimes she will cry or get angry and we will have no idea what is bothering her. A year ago, Acadia had a very large seizure and was quite dazed after it and cried continuously. We spent the day in the emergency room doing everything from blood tests to MRIs. She was released that evening and when we got home, we realized she was not using her arm and did not want it touched. Thankfully, the ER staff had strongly urged us to bring her back if we had any further concerns. She was x-rayed and a very bad break was found near her shoulder. But it took all day to diagnose the break because Acadia had no way of saying, "my shoulder hurts."

We have been working for a couple of years teaching Acadia to sign, "hurt." That is not as easy to teach as it sounds! As Acadia's mom, I spend my days making sure she DOESN'T hurt herself. Somehow, I can't picture pinching Acadia so that she can tell me it hurts.... I have to take advantage of life lessons. Like the stomach bug we had a few weeks ago. What a crazy scene! I spent hours holding Acadia, cleaning up the multiple messes... and holding Acadia's hands in the "hurt" sign over her belly saying, "hurt. Your tummy hurts."

A few days ago, we took Acadia for a walk in town. She started off happy and excited! Walking, giggling, holding hands with her sisters. Then suddenly she was screaming and crying and would not walk another step. But guess what she was doing?!? She was pointing at her foot! Yelling, crying, and POINTING!!!! The sidewalks were slushy and one of her sneakers was wet! Her foot "HURT"! The rest of the walk was llllooooonnnnggggg. But when we got home, I peeled off Acadia's sneakers and socks. It has never before felt so good to change a child's soggy footwear!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Hmmmm... I've been waiting to feel inspired to write again. Waiting for some humorous or witty incident to tickle my funny bone. But I think I wore out every scrap of creativity finishing that proposal. I feel a little flat and dull. A very strange feeling for me... I'm usually trying to shut off the creativity for a bit so that I don't wander away from the stove and burn supper. Or gather half the laundry and forget to start any of it. I used to grumble at God for making me so darned creative... why couldn't I enjoy cleaning or cooking or bill-paying instead? Something useful.

Funny thing about grumbling at God, though. He didn't concede to my wishes and make me a practical, methodical person. I'm stuck with a pretty hefty dose of nuttiness! And I've learned to enjoy the kooky, creative world I live in. Dinner does get cooked. We use the smoke detector for a timer.... I'm perpetually behind on the laundry, but the kids manage to get dressed every day. And my girls joke that I am actually younger than them. Acording to my oldest daughter, "if mom's inner child were out on the street, people would be searching frantically for the parents."

Now, after a week of *not* feeling creative, I am tremendously glad for the scatter-brained, creative, nutty, very happy personality that I was given!